Object - Datensatz
World's Columbian Exposition
Official Views of the World's Columbian Exhibition, 1893. Auststellungsbericht der Weltausstellung in Chicago mit 115 Fotos. Herausgegeben vom Department of Photography (C.D. Arnold/H.D. Higinbotham).
Chicago (IL)
Arnold, Charles Dudley
Breite: 26.5cm
Höhe: 18.5cm
Dicke: 3.5cm
Teil von
BPA-01-01-02: Weitere Weltausstellungen
BPA-017310-001: Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building
BPA-017310-002: Northern Facade of Liberal Arts Building
BPA-017310-003: Liberal Arts Building - West Entrance
BPA-017310-004: Walter Baker & Co.'s Chocolate Pavilion
BPA-017310-005: Birds eye view looking northwest from Liberal Arts Building
BPA-017310-006: Tiffany and Gorham Exhibits
BPA-017310-007: Russian Exhibit
BPA-017310-008: Entrance to German Exhibit
BPA-017310-009: Austrian Exhibit
BPA-017310-010: French and Belgian Sections
BPA-017310-011: Norwegian Exhibit
BPA-017310-012: The Peristyle
BPA-017310-013: Peristyle and Quadriga
BPA-017310-014: Lowney Building
BPA-017310-015: The Court of Honor
BPA-017310-016: View from President Higinbotham's room
BPA-017310-017: Looking West from Peristyle
BPA-017310-018: Agricultural Building
BPA-017310-019: General View - Looking towards Colonnade
BPA-017310-020: The Colonnade
BPA-017310-021: The Liberal Arts Building, from Colonnade
BPA-017310-022: Palace of mechanic Arts
BPA-017310-023: Administration Building
BPA-017310-024: The Colombian Fountain
BPA-017310-025: Band Stand near Machinery Hall
BPA-017310-026: Administration Building from roof of Manufactures Building
BPA-017310-027: View from Electricity Building
BPA-017310-028: Electricity Building and Columbian Fountain
BPA-017310-029: Electricity Building
BPA-017310-030: Interior of Electricity Building
BPA-017310-031: Bell Telephone Exhibit
BPA-017310-032: Electricity Building and South West Pavilion of Manufactures Building
BPA-017310-033: Administration Building from wooded Island
BPA-017310-034: Mines Building
BPA-017310-035: Venetian Boat on the lagoon at North Entrance of Mine Building
BPA-017310-036: The Terminal Station
BPA-017310-037: First train in the state of New York
BPA-017310-038: Looking North from Terminal Station
BPA-017310-039: Transportation Building
BPA-017310-040: A German Gateway in wrought iron
BPA-017310-041: The Golden Door Transportation Building
BPA-017310-042: Choral Hall
BPA-017310-043: Horticultural Building
BPA-017310-044: Looking South from Loggia of Woman's Building
BPA-017310-045: Woman's Building
BPA-017310-046: Looking East from Woman's Building
BPA-017310-047: The Illinois Building
BPA-017310-048: A Turkish Row Boat
BPA-017310-049: Japanese Tea Garden
BPA-017310-050: The Japanese Tea House
BPA-017310-051: Tea House of Ceylon Main Court
BPA-017310-052: Cafe de la Marine
BPA-017310-053: Fisheries Building from Wooded Island
BPA-017310-054: The Government Building and Japanese Ho-o-den
BPA-017310-055: The Japanese Ho-o-den
BPA-017310-056: Liberal Arts Building from Wooded Island
BPA-017310-057: Looking West from roof of Manufactures Building
BPA-017310-058: Merchant Tailors Building
BPA-017310-059: Palace of Fine Arts
BPA-017310-060: Palace of Fine Arts
BPA-017310-061: Interior of Palace of Fine Arts
BPA-017310-062: Feeding the ducks
BPA-017310-063: Avenue of State Buildings
BPA-017310-064: New York State Building
BPA-017310-065: Pennsylvania Building
BPA-017310-066: Looking West from life saving station
BPA-017310-067: United States life saving station
BPA-017310-068: Encampment of West Point Cadets, Government Plaza
BPA-017310-069: Battle Ship "Illinois"
BPA-017310-070: The Viking Ship
BPA-017310-071: Great Britain Victoria House
BPA-017310-072: Building of the Spanish and German Governments
BPA-017310-073: Government Building France
BPA-017310-074: The Brazilian Building
BPA-017310-075: Government Buildings Sweden, Hayti and New South Wales
BPA-017310-076: Government Building Venezuela
BPA-017310-077: Turkish Building
BPA-017310-078: Guatemala Building
BPA-017310-079: The Ceylon Building
BPA-017310-080: On the beach
BPA-017310-081: The Indian Pavilion
BPA-017310-082: Whaleback at Exposition Pier
BPA-017310-083: The Moving Sidewalk on Pier
BPA-017310-084: Convent of La Rabida
BPA-017310-085: The Santa Maria
BPA-017310-086: The Nina and Pinta
BPA-017310-087: The Krupp Building
BPA-017310-088: Birchbark Wigwams of Penobscot Indians
BPA-017310-089: Houses and Totem Poles of Alaskan Indians
BPA-017310-090: The Cliff Dwellers
BPA-017310-091: The Ferris Wheel
BPA-017310-092: World's Congress of Beauty
BPA-017310-093: Blarney Castle
BPA-017310-094: Hagenbeck's Arena
BPA-017310-095: Donegal Castle
BPA-017310-096: The Samon Village
BPA-017310-097: The Midway looking West
BPA-017310-098: The Midway from Ferris Wheel looking East
BPA-017310-099: Entrance to the German Village
BPA-017310-100: German Village
BPA-017310-101: German Village
BPA-017310-102: In the Turkish Bazaar
BPA-017310-103: A Minaret in the Cairo Street
BPA-017310-104: Javab Village
BPA-017310-105: Ferris Wheel
BPA-017310-106: The Johore Bungalow
BPA-017310-107: The Midway looking East from Dahomey Village
BPA-017310-108: Old Vienna
BPA-017310-109: East Court in Old Vienna
BPA-017310-110: Dahomey Village
BPA-017310-111: The Lapland Village
BPA-017310-112: Types of the Arabian Village
BPA-017310-113: Japanese Bazaar
BPA-017310-114: In the Arabian Village
BPA-017310-115: Court of Honor
Feinerschlossene Gruppen
Archiv-Neuzugänge 2022
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